- Azhar A, Binari LA, Joglekar K, Tsujita M, Talwar M, Balaraman V, Bhalla A, Eason JD, Hall IE, Rofaiel G, Forbes RC, Shaffer D, Concepcion BP, Molnar MZ (2021). Association between ezetimibe usage and hepatitis C RNA levels in uninfected kidney transplant recipients who received hepatitis C infected kidneys. Clin Transplant, e14485.
- Silverton NA, Lofgren LR, Hall IE, Stoddard GJ, Melendez NP, Van Tienderen M, Shumway S, Stringer BJ, Kang WS, Lybbert C, Kuck K (2021). Noninvasive Urine Oxygen Monitoring and the Risk of Acute Kidney Injury in Cardiac Surgery. Anesthesiology, 135(3), 406-418.
- Raghavan D, Tomacruz IDV, Hall IE (2021). Deceased-Donor Kidneys: Is Past Performance an Indicator of Future Transplant Success? Kidney Int Rep, 6(8), 2025-2027.
- Raghavan D, Hall IE (2021). Dialysis and Transplant Access: Kidney Capitalism at a Crossroads? Clin J Am Soc Nephrol, 16(6), 846-847.
- Silverton NA, Hall IE, Melendez NP, Harris B, Harley JS, Parry SR, Lofgren LR, Stoddard GJ, Hoareau GL, Kuck K (2021). Intraoperative Urinary Biomarkers and Acute Kidney Injury After Cardiac Surgery. J Cardiothorac Vasc Anesth, 35(6), 1691-1700.
- Hall IE, Reese PP, Mansour SG, Mohan S, Jia Y, Thiessen-Philbrook HR, Brennan DC, Doshi MD, Muthukumar T, Akalin E, Harhay MN, Schrppel B, Singh P, Weng FL, Bromberg JS, Parikh CR (2021). Deceased-Donor Acute Kidney Injury and BK Polyomavirus in Kidney Transplant Recipients. Clin J Am Soc Nephrol, 16(5), 765-775.
- Mansour SG, Liu C, Jia Y, Reese PP, Hall IE, El-Achkar TM, LaFavers KA, Obeid W, Rosenberg AZ, Daneshpajouhnejad P, Doshi MD, Akalin E, Bromberg JS, Harhay MN, Mohan S, Muthukumar T, Schrppel B, Singh P, El-Khoury JM, Weng FL, Thiessen-Philbrook HR, Parikh CR (2020). Uromodulin to Osteopontin Ratio in Deceased Donor Urine Is Associated With Kidney Graft Outcomes. Transplantation, 105(4), 876-885.
- Alasfar S, Hall IE, Mansour SG, Jia Y, Thiessen-Philbrook HR, Weng FL, Singh P, Schrppel B, Muthukumar T, Mohan S, Malik RF, Harhay MN, Doshi MD, Akalin E, Bromberg JS, Brennan DC, Reese PP, Parikh CR (2021). Contemporary incidence and risk factors of post transplant Erythrocytosis in deceased donor kidney transplantation. BMC Nephrol, 22(1), 26.
- Husain SA, Shah V, Alvarado Verduzco H, King KL, Brennan C, Batal I, Coley SM, Hall IE, Stokes MB, Dube GK, Crew RJ, Perotte A, Natarajan K, Carpenter D, Sandoval PR, Santoriello D, DAgati V, Cohen DJ, Ratner L, Markowitz G, Mohan S (2020). Impact of Deceased Donor Kidney Procurement Biopsy Technique on Histologic Accuracy. Kidney Int Rep, 5(11), 1906-1913.
- Koyawala N, Reese PP, Hall IE, Jia Y, Thiessen-Philbrook HR, Mansour SG, Doshi MD, Akalin E, Bromberg JS, Harhay MN, Mohan S, Muthukumar T, Schrppel B, Singh P, Weng FL, Parikh CR (2019). Urine Injury Biomarkers Are Not Associated With Kidney Transplant Failure. Transplantation, 104(6), 1272-1279.
- Kulkarni S, Wei G, Jiang W, Lopez LA, Parikh CR, Hall IE (2019). Outcomes From Right Versus Left Deceased-Donor Kidney Transplants: A US National Cohort Study. Am J Kidney Dis, 75(5), 725-735.
- Husain SA, King KL, Batal I, Dube GK, Hall IE, Brennan C, Stokes MB, Crew RJ, Carpenter D, Alvarado Verduzco H, Rosen R, Coley S, Campenot E, Santoriello D, Perotte A, Natarajan K, DAgati VD, Cohen DJ, Ratner LE, Markowitz G, Mohan S (2020). Reproducibility of Deceased Donor Kidney Procurement Biopsies. Clin J Am Soc Nephrol, 15(2), 257-264.
- Liu C, Hall IE, Mansour S, Thiessen Philbrook HR, Jia Y, Parikh CR (2020). Association of Deceased Donor Acute Kidney Injury With Recipient Graft Survival. JAMA Netw Open, 3(1), e1918634.
- Liu C, Hall IE, Mansour S, Thiessen Philbrook HR, Jia Y, Parikh CR (2020). Association of Deceased Donor Acute Kidney Injury With Recipient Graft Survival. JAMA Netw Open, 3(1), e1918634.
- Stewart D, Rosendale J, McGehee H, Hall I, Gupta G, Reddy K, Kasiske B, Andreoni K, Klassen D (2020). Can Behavioral Research Improve Transplant Decision-Making? A Mock Offer Study on the Role of Kidney Procurement Biopsies. Kidney360, 1, 36-47.
- Kulkarni S, Wei G, Jiang W, Lopez LA, Parikh CR, Hall IE (2019). Outcomes From Right Versus Left Deceased-Donor Kidney Transplants: A US National Cohort Study. Am J Kidney Dis, Epub ahead of print.
- Hall IE, Shaaban A, Wei G, Sikora MB, Bourija H, Beddhu S, Shihab F (2019). Baseline Living-Donor Kidney Volume and Function Associate with 1-Year Post-Nephrectomy Kidney Function. Clin Transplant, 33(3), e13485.
- Hall IE, Shaaban A, Wei G, Sikora MB, Bourija H, Beddhu S, Shihab F (2019). Baseline living-donor kidney volume and function associate with 1-year post-nephrectomy kidney function. Clin Transplant, 33(3), e13485.
- Abdelwahab Elhamahmi D, Chaly T Jr, Wei G, Hall IE (2019). Kidney Discard Rates in the United States During American Transplant Congress Meetings. Transplant Direct, 5(1), e412.
- Hall IE, Akalin E, Bromberg JS, Doshi MD, Greene T, Harhay MN, Jia Y, Mansour SG, Mohan S, Muthukumar T, Reese PP, Schrppel B, Singh P, Thiessen-Philbrook HR, Weng FL, Parikh CR (2019). Deceased-Donor Acute Kidney Injury is not Associated With Kidney Allograft Failure. Kidney Int, 95(1), 199-209.
- Schrppel B, Heeger PS, Thiessen-Philbrook H, Hall IE, Doshi MD, Weng FL, Reese PP, Parikh CR (2019). Donor Urinary C5a Levels Independently Correlate With Posttransplant Delayed Graft Function. Transplantation, 103(1), e29-e35.
- Carpenter D, Husain SA, Brennan C, Batal I, Hall IE, Santoriello D, Rosen R, Crew RJ, Campenot E, Dube GK, Radhakrishnan J, Stokes MB, Sandoval PR, DAgati V, Cohen DJ, Ratner LE, Markowitz G, Mohan S (2018). Procurement Biopsies in the Evaluation of Deceased Donor Kidneys. Clin J Am Soc Nephrol, 13(12), 1876-1885.
- Hall IE, Parikh CR, Schrppel B, Weng FL, Jia Y, Thiessen-Philbrook H, Reese PP, Doshi MD (2018). Procurement Biopsy Findings Versus Kidney Donor Risk Index for Predicting Renal Allograft Survival. Transplant Direct, 4(8), e373.
- Harhay MN, Jia Y, Thiessen-Philbrook H, Besharatian B, Gumber R, Weng FL, Hall IE, Doshi M, Schroppel B, Parikh CR, Reese PP (2018). The association of discharge decisions after deceased donor kidney transplantation with the risk of early readmission: Results from the deceased donor study. Clin Transplant, Epub.
- Kulkarni S, Hall I, Formica R, Thiessen C, Stewart D, Gan G, Greene E, Deng Y (2017). Transition probabilities between changing sensitization levels, waitlist activity status and competing-risk kidney transplant outcomes using multi-state modeling. PLoS ONE, 12(12), e0190277.
- Moledina DG, Hall IE, Thiessen-Philbrook H, Reese PP, Weng FL, Schrppel B, Doshi MD, Wilson FP, Coca SG, Parikh CR (2017). Performance of Serum Creatinine and Kidney Injury Biomarkers for Diagnosing Histologic Acute Tubular Injury. Am J Kidney Dis, 70(6), 807-16.
- Azar MM, Assi R, Valika AK, Banach DB, Hall IE, Landry ML, Malinis MF (2017). Graft loss among renal-transplant recipients with early reduction of immunosuppression for BK viremia. World J Transplant, 7(5), 269-75.
- Hall IE, Reese PP, Doshi MD, Weng FL, Schrppel B, Asch WS, Ficek J, Thiessen-Philbrook H, Parikh CR (2017). Delayed Graft Function Phenotypes and 12-Month Kidney Transplant Outcomes. Transplantation, 101(8), 1913-23.
- Mansour SG, Puthumana J, Reese PP, Hall IE, Doshi MD, Weng FL, Schrppel B, Thiessen-Philbrook H, Bimali M, Parikh CR (2017). Associations between Deceased-Donor Urine MCP-1 and Kidney Transplant Outcomes. Kidney Int Rep, 2(4), 749-58.
- Williams KR, Colangelo CM, Hou L, Chung L, Belcher JM, Abbott T, Hall IE, Zhao H, Cantley LG, Parikh CR (2017). Use of a Targeted Urine Proteome Assay (TUPA) to identify protein biomarkers of delayed recovery after kidney transplant. Proteomics Clin Appl, 11(7-8), 1600132.
- Doshi MD, Reese PP, Hall IE, Schrppel B, Ficek J, Formica RN, Weng FL, Hasz RD, Thiessen-Philbrook H, Parikh CR (2017). Utility of Applying Quality Assessment Tools for Kidneys With KDPI ≥80. Transplantation, 101(6), 1125-33.
- Hall IE (2017). Can Preservation Fluid Biomarkers Predict Delayed Graft Function in Transplanted Kidneys? Clin J Am Soc Nephrol, 12(5), 715-17.
- Hall IE, Reese PP (2017). Shining a Light on the Murky Problem of Discarded Kidneys. Transplantation, 101(3), 464-5.
- Puthumana J, Hall IE, Reese PP, Schrppel B, Weng FL, Thiessen-Philbrook H, Doshi MD, Rao V, Lee CG, Elias JA, Cantley LG, Parikh CR (2017). YKL-40 Associates with Renal Recovery in Deceased Donor Kidney Transplantation. J Am Soc Nephrol, 28(2), 661-70.
- Reese PP, Hall IE, Weng FL, Schrppel B, Doshi MD, Hasz RD, Thiessen-Philbrook H, Ficek J, Rao V, Murray P, Lin H, Parikh CR (2016). Associations Between Deceased-Donor Urine Injury Biomarkers and Kidney Transplant Outcomes. J Am Soc Nephrol, 27(5), 1534-43.
- Parikh CR, Hall IE, Bhangoo RS, Ficek J, Abt PL, Thiessen-Philbrook H, Lin H, Bimali M, Murray PT, Rao V, Schrppel B, Doshi MD, Weng FL, Reese PP (2016). Associations of Perfusate Biomarkers and Pump Parameters With Delayed Graft Function and Deceased Donor Kidney Allograft Function. Am J Transplant, 16(5), 1526-39.
- Potluri VS, Parikh CR, Hall IE, Ficek J, Doshi MD, Butrymowicz I, Weng FL, Schrppel B, Thiessen-Philbrook H, Reese PP (2016). Validating Early Post-Transplant Outcomes Reported for Recipients of Deceased Donor Kidney Transplants. Clin J Am Soc Nephrol, 11(2), 324-31.
- Hall IE, Schroppel B, Doshi MD, Ficek J, Weng FL, Hasz RD, Thiessen-Philbrook H, Reese PP, Parikh CR (2015). Associations of deceased donor kidney injury with kidney discard and function after transplantation. Am J Transplant, 15(6), 1623-31.
- Hall IE, Reese PP, Weng FL, Schroppel B, Doshi MD, Hasz RD, Parikh CR (WTC 2014). Associations of acute kidney injury in deceased donors with short and long term graft outcomes [oral presentation also given] [Abstract]. World Transplant Congress.
- Hall IE, Bhangoo RS, Reese PP, Doshi MD, Weng FL, Hong K, Lin H, Han G, Hasz RD, Goldstein MJ, Schroppel B, Parikh CR (2014). Glutathione S-transferase iso-enzymes in perfusate from pumped kidneys are associated with delayed graft function. Am J Transplant, 14(4), 886-96.
- Hall IE, Reese PP, Weng FL, Schroppel B, Doshi MD, Hasz RD, Reitsma W, Goldstein MJ, Hong K, Parikh CR (2014). Preimplant histologic acute tubular necrosis and allograft outcomes. Clin J Am Soc Nephrol, 9(3), 573-82.
- Hall IE, Stern EP, Cantley LG, Elias JA, Parikh CR (2014). Urine YKL-40 is associated with progressive acute kidney injury or death in hospitalized patients. BMC Nephrol, 15, 133.
- Schmidt IM, Hall IE, Kale S, Lee S, He CH, Lee Y, Chupp GL, Moeckel GW, Lee CG, Elias JA, Parikh CR, Cantley LG (2013). Chitinase-like protein Brp-39/YKL-40 modulates the renal response to ischemic injury and predicts delayed allograft function. J Am Soc Nephrol, 24(2), 309-19.
- Hall IE, Doshi MD, Reese PP, Marcus RJ, Thiessen-Philbrook H, Parikh CR (2012). Association between peritransplant kidney injury biomarkers and 1-year allograft outcomes. Clin J Am Soc Nephrol, 7(8), 1224-33.
- Bhangoo RS, Hall IE, Reese PP, Parikh CR (2012). Deceased-donor kidney perfusate and urine biomarkers for kidney allograft outcomes: a systematic review. [Review]. Nephrol Dial Transplant, 27(8), 3305-14.
- Hall IE, Kashgarian M, Moeckel GW, Dahl NK (2012). Resolution of proteinuria in a patient with focal segmental glomerulosclerosis following BiPAP initiation for obesity hypoventilation syndrome. Clin Nephrol, 77(1), 62-5.
- Hall IE, Coca SG, Perazella MA, Eko UU, Luciano RL, Peter PR, Han WK, Parikh CR (2011). Risk of poor outcomes with novel and traditional biomarkers at clinical AKI diagnosis. Clin J Am Soc Nephrol, 6(12), 2740-9.
- Hall IE, Doshi M, Marcus RJ, Parikh CR (ATC 2011). Urine biomarkers predict 1 year outcomes after kidney transplant [oral presentation also given] [Abstract]. American Transplant Congress.
- Hall IE, Doshi MD, Poggio ED, Parikh CR (2011). A comparison of alternative serum biomarkers with creatinine for predicting allograft function after kidney transplantation. Transplantation, 91(1), 48-56.
- Hall IE, Koyner JL, Doshi MD, Marcus RJ, Parikh CR (2011). Urine cystatin C as a biomarker of proximal tubular function immediately after kidney transplantation. Am J Nephrol, 33(5), 407-13.
- Hall IE, Parikh CR (2010). Human models to evaluate urinary biomarkers of kidney injury. Clin J Am Soc Nephrol, 5(12), 2141-3.
- Perazella MA, Coca SG, Hall IE, Iyanam U, Koraishy M, Parikh CR (2010). Urine microscopy is associated with severity and worsening of acute kidney injury in hospitalized patients. Clin J Am Soc Nephrol, 5(3), 402-8.
- Hall IE, Yarlagadda SG, Coca SG, Wang Z, Doshi M, Devarajan P, Han WK, Marcus RJ, Parikh CR (2010). IL-18 and urinary NGAL predict dialysis and graft recovery after kidney transplantation. J Am Soc Nephrol, 21(1), 189-97.
- Huen SC, Hall I, Topal J, Mahnensmith RL, Brewster UC, Abu-Alfa AK (2009). Successful use of intraperitoneal daptomycin in the treatment of vancomycin-resistant enterococcus peritonitis. Am J Kidney Dis, 54(3), 538-41.
- Hall IE, Parikh CR (ATC 2009). Urinary Cystatin C and KIM ‐1: A tale of two novel biomarkers of acute kidney injury in predicting the need for dialysis after kidney transplantation [oral presentation also given] [Abstract]. American Transplant Congress.
- Hall IE, Andersen MS, Krumholz HM, Gross CP (2009). Predictors of venous thromboembolism in patients with advanced common solid cancers. J Cancer Epidemiol, 2009, 182521.