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2019 Academic Excellence Seed Grant Winners

2019 Academic Excellence Seed Grant Winners

In FY20, the Department of Internal Medicine (DOIM) set aside $200,000 in to support the Seed Grant Program. This Seed Grant Program funds discovery, translational, and clinical investigator-initiated research projects. Funding from these awards is to be used to develop or expand projects that will be submitted for extramural support in the succeeding 1-2 years, and awardees will be required to report on use of the award to the DOIM.

Applications were accepted on April 1, 2019 and from these applications 4 awards were selected by a Department review committee comprised of a chair (Dr. John Hoidal) and a representative from each Division for the FY20 year. The details of the 4 awards are as follows:

Robert Campbell, PhD (General Internal Medicine) The role of the mammalian target of rapamycin in platelets and megakaryocytes during stroke
Ami Patel, MD (Hematology/BMT) Strategies to overcome MEK inhibitor resistance in RAS-activated CMML by single-cell multi-omics
Karl Sanders, MD (Pulmonary)  Myeloid RAGE enhances tumor growth
Dinesh Verma, PhD (Infectious Diseases)  Investigating antiviral activity of spironolactone, an aldosterone antagonist, against KSHV

If you are a DOIM investigator interested in receiving seed grant support from the department, stay tuned for the FY21 call for seed grant proposals in Spring 2020 (project period to begin July 1, 2020).