Last week, we gathered to celebrate our exceptional faculty who have worked hard to receive promotions and those whose work has earned them departmental recognition. We are grateful for the...
The Division of Rheumatology at the U of U Health is piloting a new program for full-time clinicians with the aim to improve job satisfaction, patient care, and reduce burnout.
The Department of Internal Medicine is pleased to announce a transition in Rheumatology leadership. They express their gratitude to Dr. Daniel Clegg for his excellent service in the department and...
Congratulations to four faculty members from the Department of Internal Medicine to be selected for the 2021-2022 Vice President's Clinical & Translational (VPCAT) Research Scholars: Dr. Rebecca Overbury, Division of...
Dr. Daniel Clegg, MD, Chief of the Division of Rheumatology is retiring at the beginning of 2021. The Department of Internal Medicine thanks Dr. Clegg for his 21 years of...
Immune checkpoint inhibitor use in the treatment of a variety of cancers continues to increase with reports of improved survival with these drugs. These medications have side effects known as...
In the past three years, the Division of Rheumatology has developed and piloted a team-based clinical care model as a response to an unprecedented volume of new patient evaluations and...
Since the fall of 2018, the adult center for childhood onset rheumatic disease has attempted to resolve a unique challenge: with 20% of autoimmune diseases diagnosed in adolescence, how do...
On Rheumatology Advisor, Karla Miller, MD (Rheumatology) co-author of a recent study on swallowing disorders offers up a clinician's perspective on dysphagia in RA.
On Healio Family Medicine, Karla L. Miller, MD (Rheumatology) is helping to raise awareness about the rise of osteoporosis in men and what patients and primary care providers need to...